We don't mess about, we do all we can to make sure you leave our retreats feeling inspired, aligned and ready to take on the world.
This isn't a relaxing Yoga retreat where you do a bit of yoga and eat great food and chat. These retreats are about the real Yogic path which is towards Self-realisation and enlightenment. Yes there will be amazing Jivamukti Yoga Classes, great food and great people. But what lights us up more than anything is people arriving, depressed, suicidal, anxious, stiff, unwanted, lost in the world and seeing them leave, alive, passionate, free, unbridled, full of love, joy, laughter and happiness with a real thirst for life once more. They are ready to go and face whatever comes up in life knowing they now have the skills and know how to be less affected by external factors. We focus on helping you release heavy stuck energy and get you stepping into your true super power!!

These retreats are not for everyone,
they are disciplined aligned and committed to providing a framework for positive growth

We are the real fucking deal and we dont mess about.
(Retreat Facilitator & Life Transformer)
Liam is on a mission to wake up the world, connect people to their true essence to live a healthier, happier, love and laughter filled life. Through his own introspection and healing he has gained invaluable experiences and now offers a space to allow others to process their own self–healing - with the aim of making as many people as possible find their superpower and become empowered to be the best, most beautiful version of themselves.
After a traumatic childhood of living in a Battered Wives Institute, being around violence and abuse he was pretty messed up. He had zero positive male role models in his life. He became a drug dealing, womanising, drug-taking raver! Now he is a Yoga Teacher, Author, Life Transformer, expanded consciousness explorer and a healer.
Liam is fun to be around, adventurous and has an amazing lust and love for life. He tries to enjoy each moment and day, filling them with crazy laughter and love. He also gives the most wonderful hugs! He is hard working and always available to those that need him, he never lets anyone down and prides himself on being the support people need. One thing that is guaranteed is that you will have the most FUN on this retreat and please note that this…….
“ Ain't no trippy dippy, tie-dye wearing, indigenous menstrual blood smearing, yogurt weaving, softly spoken in a calm slow American accent Yoga Retreat. This isn't weird shit with people wearing white being overly polite to each other! This is hardcore Mancunian Yoga!!!! It will blow your socks off, make your jaw drop, make you dance like never before, feel things you never thought possible, breathe in the energy of the room and wonder what the fuck is that. It will keep you talking about it for months. You will step away from the retreat ready to take on the world like the true warrior you are. You will start kicking arse in life becoming the greatest version of yourself. This is euphoric, this is real shit, this is a stone cold sober Yoga Retreat and you will never forget it!!!!"