sweat lodge
‘Womb of the Earth’ as its energy is distinctly nurturing, bringing us closer to mother nature.

A type of sweat lodge, a Temazcal is a purification ceremony; for relieving stress, cleansing toxins from the body, releasing negativity and revitalising life force. Especially beneficial for your immune system & balancing mind, body & spirit. Essentially, it is a steam bath in a natural dome. Large rocks are heated on a fire outside, then placed inside a natural bowl in the center of the dome & doused with water and herbs. The medicinal steam & the power of the natural elements help us to open and cleanse

Once the hot rocks are heated, you will enter the sweatlodge itself, where you will be seated on the ground in a circle, in very low light with around 10-20 other people. The rocks are gradually brought into the circle in 4 ‘rounds’
Bring swim clothes, a change of clothes and towel. Arrive with a bottle of water and well hydrated

a Temazcal is a purification ceremony; for relieving stress, cleansing toxins from the body, releasing negativity and revitalising life force

AHAU SAMUEL is a traditional medicine man. Born in Guanajuato, Mexico he learnt from a young age from his mother who is a homeopathic doctor and his ancestral line, Chichimeca - along with other traditional guides.
At the age of 19, he began his journey in shamanism when living in the jungle where he learnt closely over 4 years from various grandfather figures. He has since spent the past 11 years working all over Mexico exploring, learning and hosting these healing tools which support his mission to be of service to the world.
Temazcal, Kambo and Traditional Panhuehuetl Drum Making are now at the core of his healing services. Ahau has a genuine openness and curiosity which informs his attention to detail, holding space with calmness, compassion and acute awareness of each individual.
ROBYN LEONIE is a sacred space holder, creator, photographer & natural living advocate - leading through a powerful, grounded approach to conscious living.
Throughout her journeys worldwide studying the ancient wisdom of whole living, observations of nature's cycles & the latest scientific learnings in mind-body medicine anything from ayurveda to quantum theories - with her unique filter, this knowledge transforms into creative, clear & humble steps towards a more healthy future for people and planet.
Sharing with her tools of sweatlodge, prayer, breath, fasting and nature philosophies, her work is an organic expression of all that has been learnt on her own way to presence & wholeness.

Step Forward with Invigorating Power!

we will gather around the heart of the fire as we prepare to walk over hot coals and empower our lives
"I realised, that with the fire-walking mindset, I could achieve so much more than I‘d ever realised. I understood that those old imposters called ‘lack of confidence’ and ‘low self-esteem’ were exactly that - imposters. If I could walk on fire, I could achieve anything!
This single fire walk changed my life in so many ways"

Olivia is an internationally qualified, empowerment and fire walking instructor having trained with the founder of the fire walking movement, Tolly Burkan and Master Fire Walking Instructor, Kevin Axtell at The Fire Walking Center in California, USA. Olivia continued her training with Fire walking UK, with Master Fire walking Instructors Steve Consalvez and Barry Collins.
Olivia’s enthusiasm is infectious, you will feel her positivity. She has a burning passion to do everything within her power to empower others. She can gain an emotional connection with people and really understand how to install confidence and self-belief in those who undertake her fire walking events.